
High-Quality Technology and R&D

Genomics has the most comprehensive sequencing platforms, well-experienced laboratory teams, and strong bioinformatic analytical talents

Genomics has local production lines and the capability to execute large-scale projects.

With the integrated scientific and research equipment, self-built production lines, quality certification and professional teams, Genomics is always ready to provide you with the best services!

Cancer Moonshot

服務項目: WGS, WES, RNA

"Sample capacity: Over 600 samples
Customized management system designed to assist clients in managing data and samples efficiently."

Taiwan Biobank

服務項目: 1,500 WGS and 282 WES tissue samples provided for extraction

Complete MIT service process for tissue sample extraction (WES), library preparation, sequencing, and analysis

Rapid WES Project

服務項目: Trio Rapid WES

QC, library preparation, and sequencing completed within one week. To date, over 125 family samples have been tested.

Other R&D projects


Medical Testing Development

  • "Establishment of EGFR T790M Platform (droplet digital PCR testing for lung cancer)
  • Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Testing Platform
  • Fragile X Syndrome Testing Platform
  • KRAS and BRAF Gene Mutation Hotspot Detection Platform (for metastatic colorectal cancer patients in Taiwan)
  • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) Testing Platform (under development)
  • NGS Cancer Panel Companion Diagnostic Testing (under construction)
  • NGS TSO500 Comprehensive Clinical Testing
  • NGS WES Human Whole-exome Genetic Testing
  • UGT1A1*28 Companion Diagnostic Testing (for colorectal cancer; under construction)"

Establishment of Forensic Platform

  • "Establishment of Genetic Classification Model Platform (for childhood personalities)
  • Antibiotic Adjuvant Therapy and Development
  • Strain Identification Sequencing Platform Establishment (TAF certified)
  • Cell Identification Platform Establishment
  • Low-viral Titer HBV Detection Platform Establishment Project
  • Orchid Species Identification Platform Establishment
  • Molecular Diagnostic Technology (for canine hookworm disease) Establishment
  • Exosome Isolation and Identification Analysis Platform Establishment
  • NGS Rapid Cell Lysate Gene Screening Platform Establishment
  • ssDNA or siRNA Short Nucleic Acid Detection and Analysis Platform Establishment"

Provide high quality testing and precision data

The No.1 Leader in Genomic Sequencing Technology Platform



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