
Sequencing Service

Pioneering a new frontier in biotech through sequencing, Genomics BioSci leads the industry with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation sequencing technology

Service Items

Service items we provide

Sanger Sequencing

Genomics BioSci owns the largest number of ABI 3730XL Sequencers in the industry, enabling us to provide high-throughput sequencing services for large sample volumes. Our 'High-Speed Nucleic Acid Sequence Laboratory' is also the first TAF ISO 17025 internationally-certified standard laboratory in Taiwan, where every step of the experimental process is meticulously controlled.

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Genomic Sequencing Assembly Service

For non-model species or special strain model species without existing reference sequences, we perform whole-genome sequencing to assemble high-quality reference genomes. This facilitates more in-depth research, including breeding and life science studies.

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Genomic Resequencing Service

Genomic re-sequencing with reference genomes is used to analyze the sequence composition and identify mutations in samples, such as SNVs, INDELs, and SVs. This approach is valuable for research in human hereditary diseases and cancer, as well as in animal and plant molecular breeding programs

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Genomic Methylation Sequencing Service

Epigenetics is a rapidly developing field in human genomic research. DNA methylation can regulate transcription and influence gene expression. It is now known that many human diseases, including various cancers, embryonic development issues, and neurological disorders, are closely related to epigenetic modifications. Instead of using Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing, where Bisulfite converts unmethylated cytosine (C) to uracil (U) in the genome, Genomics BioSci employs an enzyme conversion method that significantly reduces the DNA damage caused by Bisulfite.

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RNA and Gene Expression Sequencing Service

Recently, differential gene expression analysis has become crucial in novel protein drug development, biotechnology, and cancer research. Genomics BioSci offers comprehensive quantitative analysis services for RNA and miRNA, with Real-time PCR and Digital PCR platforms fully equipped to support your experimental needs.

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Microbial Sequencing Service

This service is applied to identify complex microbial populations and delineate population polymorphism within a sample. It is widely used in studies of environmental microbes, host-associated microbes, and various fields of medicine.

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10x Genomics Single Cell Solution

The 10x Next GEM Technology assigns a unique nucleotide barcode to each cell, enabling high-throughput sequencing to conduct sequential analysis of genes at the single-cell level. This reveals critical information such as cellular heterogeneity and cell-group annotation. The technology is widely applied in research on tumor microenvironments, embryonic development, and neurodegenerative diseases.

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Pre-made Library Sequencing

Genomics BioSci leads Taiwan in NGS service volume, equipped with the most comprehensive sequencing technology to deliver the highest quality sequencing services. We currently offer pure-sequencing services utilizing the MiSeq and NovaSeq platforms.

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