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Genomics organizes User Conference that focuses on High-throughput Sequencing and Business Opportunity brought by Big Data, expanding on the application of LTDs certified items, and accelerates toward the high-end NGS market

Genomics entered the Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) field over two years ago with internally developed testing technologies, obtaining registration for two items with the TFDA. We continuously add new services to our LDTs certification services, covering areas such as cancer genetics, genetic metabolism, and rare disease gene testing. Leveraging the company's strong foundation in NGS and the excellent relationships established with major medical centers and hospitals nationwide, we aim to seize the laboratory demand and advanced testing opportunities brought by NGS inclusion in national health insurance.


Genomics (4195) Signs Exclusive Sales Agency Contract with Thermo Fisher Scientific

Considering Genomics’ continuous expansion and partnerships in areas such as cell therapy, exosomes, and CDMO, along with plans for new facilities starting this year, there will be a significant demand for laboratory equipment. Therefore, since the second half of 2023, we have actively pursued an exclusive sales agency for certain products of Thermo Fisher Scientific's LPD series in Taiwan. We are delighted to have successfully completed this signing, further deepening our partnership.


Congratulations! Genomics is proud to announce its exclusive distributorship for Thermo Fisher’s Applied Biosystems™ SeqStudio™ Genetic Analyzer in Taiwan's hospital channels.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Thermo Fisher for their trust in our capabilities and acknowledgment of our strengths. Genomics boasts the most extensive sequencing service experience in the industry and is Taiwan's largest commercial genomic service provider. Our track record with numerous large-scale projects has significantly contributed to Taiwan's biotech industry.


Genomics demonstrate the CDMO Milestone Outcomes at the BIO Asia-Taiwan

The “2023 BIO Asia–Taiwan International Conference and Exhibition” officially opens today (27th). Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced that the company will demonstrate the milestone outcomes of the company’s transformation progress, showcasing the results of the PIC/S GMP nucleic acid and polypeptide pilot plant at the Expo’s CDMO (Contract Development & Manufacturing Service) Exhibition Area. The company not only has successfully upgraded the nucleic acid synthesis services for scientific research into provision of raw materials for high-grade detection probe kits and nucleic medications, but will also form strategic alliances with partners to jointly develop new products in the future, expanding clinical applications and exploring new international markets. The company seeks to cross into the fields of precision gene therapy and cancer therapy by offering integrated service solutions and maintaining key position in the supply chain of nucleic acid industry.


Genomics acquires 16% stakes in Wyzer and officially enters the U.S. market

Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co.,Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company, announced today (18th) the signing of a strategic cooperation and equity exchange agreement with the Wyzer Biosciences, Inc. (“Wyzer”) of the United States, at a total amount of US$2.88 million (equivalent to NT$89.28 million . It is expected that both parties will foster a long-term and close partnership through this equity exchange, integrating resources to strengthen the competitiveness of both parties, working together to expand the U.S. market and seize opportunities to international supply chains, maximizing the operational synergies to create win-win situations.


Genomics plans for GMP plant inspection in the third quarter for its first nucleic acid adjuvant product, multiplying transformational benefits through multi-channel approach, and remains optimistic on the outlook for this year

Joseph Chou, President of Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced today (24th) the company’s first nucleic acid adjuvant product will apply for PIC/S GMP inspection with the TFDA in the third quarter of this year. Genomics is expected to become the first manufacturer in Taiwan to focus on the development and scaled production of high quality nucleic acid adjuvants. This is not only a significant milestone in the company’s transformational process, but also contributes to the effectively patching of the gaps in local supply chains, replacing the reliance on importation and conferring significant benefits to the overall development of the domestic biotechnology industry.


Genomics Supports the First Smart Vending Machine for Suspended Meal Charity

Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced today (18th) the donation of NT$200,000 to the “Suspended Meal Initiative”, the first charity event promoted by the Kuo Hung Chih Sports Association, with the hope that children in remote regions or disadvantaged can receive adequate nutrition while receiving baseball training, allowing them to practice without distractions.


Genomics’ Earnings Per Share (EPS) in the previous year was NT$1.15, plans to increase capital expenditure and aims to distribute dividends of NT$0.3

Benefiting from the increased demands of testing services and equipment procurement from the scientific research organizations and the contributions from the sales of the newly added agency of COVID-19 rapid screening products, the consolidated revenue of Genomics for the previous year was NT$419 million, an annual growth of 7.45%. In terms of profits, due to the investment in the construction of GMP plant and expenditures on expansion of R&D teams, the core business has experienced losses, but with upgraded laboratory equipment and process optimization, the gross margin has increased from 28% in 2021 to 32% in 2022. In addition, the profit from the disposal of reinvested stocks pushed up the net profit attributable to the parent company's owners to NT$71.59 million, which is a significant increase of 282% from the previous year, and the after-tax earnings per share (EPS) was NT$1.15.


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