

Genomics increased capital by NT$150 million and maintains positive and optimistic outlook for this year



江俊奇進一步表示,核酸與胜肽GMP先導工廠已完成ISO 9001(品質管理系統),3月可望取得醫材試劑儲存與運銷GDP(優良運銷規範)許可,並計畫於上半年向衛福部食品藥物管理署(TFDA)申請軟體評鑑。此外,該廠在導入微波胜肽自動合成儀後,擴增CDMO多元產品線,朝多肽領域發展,未來可提供新生抗原合成服務,進一步跨足癌症治療市場。

在本業部分,去年第四季斥資千萬購置的新一代NovaSeq X Plus定序平台,預計第二季初完成裝機,挾最高通量、精準度高與快速等優勢,基龍米克斯將展現最具競爭力的成本優勢,並且加速進入臨床醫學市場,擴大應用服務層面,蓄積未來營運成長動能。


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Genomics’ Earnings Per Share (EPS) in the previous year was NT$1.15, plans to increase capital expenditure and aims to distribute dividends of NT$0.3

Benefiting from the increased demands of testing services and equipment procurement from the scientific research organizations and the contributions from the sales of the newly added agency of COVID-19 rapid screening products, the consolidated revenue of Genomics for the previous year was NT$419 million, an annual growth of 7.45%. In terms of profits, due to the investment in the construction of GMP plant and expenditures on expansion of R&D teams, the core business has experienced losses, but with upgraded laboratory equipment and process optimization, the gross margin has increased from 28% in 2021 to 32% in 2022. In addition, the profit from the disposal of reinvested stocks pushed up the net profit attributable to the parent company's owners to NT$71.59 million, which is a significant increase of 282% from the previous year, and the after-tax earnings per share (EPS) was NT$1.15.


First in Taiwan! Genomics invested in the highest throughput sequencer to accelerate the application of clinical testing

Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced today (24th) to invest in tens of millions on equipment upgrade to bridge the gaps in clinical testing and expand the application market. The company has placed an order with illumina, the major manufacturer of NGS gene sequencer, for the brand new NovaSeq X Plus sequence platform, which is expected to be installed by early next year. Genomics will become the first company in Taiwan to adopt the NovaSeq X Plus NGS sequencer.




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