

Genomics Leads the Market in Liquid Biopsy Genetic Testing for Lung Adenocarcinoma Targeted Drugs

癌症新發人數突破10萬大關,衛福部國健署日前公布最新國人十大癌症排行榜,大腸直腸癌及肺癌再度蟬聯一,二名。基龍米克斯 (基龍米克斯4195-TW)長期投注開發癌症基因檢測,繼肺腺癌第二代及大腸直腸癌標靶藥物與藥廠合作,提供基因檢測服務之後,於2016年積極佈線研發,領先市場成為唯一提供肺腺癌第三代標靶藥物液態活檢T790M基因檢測服務的公司。基龍米克斯董事長游卓遠博士指出,大部分肺腺癌病患在接受第二代標靶藥物治療後的9至13個月會開始產生抗藥性,同時出現T790M的基因突變。癌細胞潛伏在人體內,從血液裡也可以找到游離的DNA線索藉以偵測是否產生具有抗藥性突變。新近開發的液態活檢技術正是利用此一特性,藉由簡單的抽血採樣及基因檢測,尋找合適的標靶藥物提供患者精準醫療的建議。只要抽取病人的血液,即可進行T790M基因檢測確認是否產生突變,搭配使用第三代標靶藥物,可有效延長病人存活期。2016年檢測數超過500人,在第三代標靶藥物上市後,檢測數可望穩定成長。


圖說 基龍米克斯投注技術研發,領先市場成為唯一提供肺腺癌第三代標靶藥物液態活檢 T790M檢測服務公司。

值得注意的是,乳癌首次超越肝癌成為國人罹患癌症第三名。乳癌長年位居女性罹癌率榜首,治療過程中總是造成病患心理及身體的多重痛苦,現在利用基因檢測讓醫師客觀地評估適當的治療方式及避免過度化療已被列入許多治療指南,並在國內逐漸成型。基龍米克斯於2016年第一季成立Myriad在臺認證實驗室,提供準確、快速的乳癌基因檢測服務,評估患者未來十年癌症轉移風險,協助醫師和患者評估化療的必要性。此檢測服務已被各大醫學中心醫師採用, 2016年檢測人數已將近百例。2017年市佔率持續上升,成長動能加劇,今年上半年可望較去年同期成長,達成全年目標。


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Genomics Establishes Sequencing-Based Biotech Blue Ocean, Pioneering Precision Medicine in Taiwan

"Since its establishment in 2001, Genomics has expanded in response to technological advancements and market demands. From first-generation sequencing to next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, human and animal whole-genome analysis, and the introduction of third-generation sequencing systems, the company has surpassed its peers, becoming Taiwan's largest commercial genomic sequencing company.

Starting in 2008, Genomics entered the genetic testing market, developing targeted drug genetic testing services in 2011 and 2013, including Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT). It also established a Medical Genetic Testing Division, focusing on women's and children's health as well as precision medicine in cancer drug therapy."


Genomics Sees Significant Sales Growth in Prenatal Genetic Testing, Enhancing Focus on Maternal and Child Health

[Taipei News] Taiwan is facing the impact of a declining birthrate, prompting pregnant women to place greater emphasis on the health of their upcoming children. This trend has led to a continuous expansion in the market for prenatal and perinatal genetic testing. Led by Non-invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT), the prenatal and perinatal testing markets have exceeded NT$10 billion, with the global market surpassing NT$100 billion. Since last year, Genomics (stock code: 4195) has seen multiplicative growth in its prenatal genetic testing business. The company plans to expand its product line and enhance its focus on maternal and child health, which is expected to significantly boost this year's operational performance.




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