

Genomics acquires 16% stakes in Wyzer and officially enters the U.S. market

"Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co., Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced today the signing of a strategic cooperation and equity exchange agreement with the Wyzer Biosciences, Inc. (“Wyzer”) of the United States, at a total amount of US$2.88 million (equivalent to NT$89.28 million). It is expected that both parties will foster a long-term and close partnership through this equity exchange, integrating resources to strengthen the competitiveness of both parties, working together to expand the U.S. market and seize opportunities to international supply chains, maximizing the operational synergies to create win-win situations.

The agreement signing ceremony was completed today by Joseph Chou, President of Genomics, and George Yang, Chief Financial Officer of Wyzer, respectively representing each other’s company."

根據合約,基龍米克斯將以現金與發行新股為對價,向Wyzer主要經營團隊及其大股東取得16%股權(139.68股),其中40%為現金支付115.2萬美元(約合新台幣3571.2萬元),另60%則由基龍米克斯採股份轉換方式,預計發行新股2,338張(佔發行新股後實收資本額3.19%)進行股份交換。換股比例為每1股Wyzer普通股,換取基龍米克斯發行的新股16,738股與現金255,670元,目前暫定股份交換基準日為112年11月13 日。




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Genomics demonstrate the CDMO Milestone Outcomes at the BIO Asia-Taiwan

The “2023 BIO Asia–Taiwan International Conference and Exhibition” officially opens today (27th). Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced that the company will demonstrate the milestone outcomes of the company’s transformation progress, showcasing the results of the PIC/S GMP nucleic acid and polypeptide pilot plant at the Expo’s CDMO (Contract Development & Manufacturing Service) Exhibition Area. The company not only has successfully upgraded the nucleic acid synthesis services for scientific research into provision of raw materials for high-grade detection probe kits and nucleic medications, but will also form strategic alliances with partners to jointly develop new products in the future, expanding clinical applications and exploring new international markets. The company seeks to cross into the fields of precision gene therapy and cancer therapy by offering integrated service solutions and maintaining key position in the supply chain of nucleic acid industry.


Genomics plans for GMP plant inspection in the third quarter for its first nucleic acid adjuvant product, multiplying transformational benefits through multi-channel approach, and remains optimistic on the outlook for this year

Joseph Chou, President of Genomics BioSci & Tech. Co. Ltd., Taiwan’s leading genetic sequencing company (hereafter referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), announced today (24th) the company’s first nucleic acid adjuvant product will apply for PIC/S GMP inspection with the TFDA in the third quarter of this year. Genomics is expected to become the first manufacturer in Taiwan to focus on the development and scaled production of high quality nucleic acid adjuvants. This is not only a significant milestone in the company’s transformational process, but also contributes to the effectively patching of the gaps in local supply chains, replacing the reliance on importation and conferring significant benefits to the overall development of the domestic biotechnology industry.




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