

Genomics Establishes Sequencing-Based Biotech Blue Ocean, Pioneering Precision Medicine in Taiwan


基龍米克斯從2008年起即進入基因檢測市場,分別於2011年及2013年開發標靶藥物基因檢測服務及非侵入性胎兒染色體檢測 (Non-invasive Prenatal Testing,NIPT),並成立醫學基因檢測事業部,產品策略著重在婦幼健康及癌症精準醫學用藥兩大方向。






基龍米克斯秉持建立定序為本的生技藍海創業理念,領航台灣精準醫學基因檢測市場。在產前基因檢測業績倍數成長下,加碼佈局婦幼健康; 在肺腺癌的標靶藥物液態活檢的領先情勢下,持續投注研發能量於癌症精準醫學用藥基因檢測,全力攻佔倍數增長的醫學基因檢測市場。

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Dr. Chen Ming’s Team at Changhua Christian Hospital Leads with Innovative Technological Research

Dr. Ming Chen, specializing in fetal medicine, genetics, and high-risk pregnancies, joined Changhua Christian Hospital in 2004. In 2005, he became the Director of the Department of Genomic Medicine at Changhua Christian Hospital. Over the past decade, his work has become a highlight of Changhua Christian Hospital's medical services.


Genomics Leads the Market in Liquid Biopsy Genetic Testing for Lung Adenocarcinoma Targeted Drugs

The number of new cancer cases has surpassed 100,000, as recently reported by the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Health Promotion Administration, which disclosed the latest ranking of the top ten cancers among Taiwanese people. Colorectal cancer and lung cancer once again claimed the first and second positions. Genomics (Genomics: 4195-TW) has long been committed to developing cancer genetic testing. After collaborating with pharmaceutical companies on second-generation targeted drugs for lung adenocarcinoma and colorectal cancer, and having provided genetic testing services, the company actively invested in research and development in 2016. It has since emerged as the market leader and the sole provider of liquid biopsy T790M gene testing services for third-generation targeted drugs for lung adenocarcinoma. Dr. Yu Cho Yuan, Chairman of Genomics, pointed out that most lung adenocarcinoma patients begin to develop drug resistance after 9 to 13 months of second-generation targeted drug treatment, often accompanied by the T790M gene mutation. Cancer cells remain dormant in the body, and free DNA clues can be found in the blood to detect whether drug resistance mutations have occurred. The newly developed liquid biopsy technology leverages this feature, utilizing simple blood sampling and genetic testing to identify suitable targeted drugs and provide patients with precise medical advice. Through blood extraction from patients, T790M gene testing can confirm whether mutations have occurred. When combined with third-generation targeted drugs, this approach can effectively extend patient survival. In 2016, the number of tests exceeded 500, and with the launch of third-generation targeted drugs, the number of tests is expected to steadily increase.




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