

Genomics Shareholders' Meeting Approves NT$0.2 Stock Dividend and Election of Director



展望未來,總經理江俊奇表示,目前有多項具體合作案持續推動,對公司長期營運發展正向樂觀。包括與全球次世代基因定序大廠Illumina針對「液態活檢」(Liquid Biopsy)共同發展癌症藥物的基因檢測服務,盼推廣成為新一代用藥指引或復發監控,以及與工研院合作興建全台第一座PIC/S GMP等級的商用核酸及多肽工廠,預計今年10月取得ISO認證,並有望於第四季正式量產,現階段已開始與潛在客戶洽談量產訂單。



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Genomics Partners with Vacino Biotech to Venture into Nucleic Acid New Drug Development, Unveiling a New Page in Domestic Autonomy

Genomics Bioscience & Technology Co. Ltd., a leading domestic genetic sequencing company (referred to as "Genomics", stock code: 4195), signed a memorandum of cooperation today (July 13) with Vacino Biotech Biomedical. (referred to as “Vacino Biotech”), combining Vacino Biotech's core independent R-MOD single-strand nucleic acid modification technology to develop a new type of drug for Alzheimer's disease, as well as Genomics' capability in key nucleic acid drug raw material synthesis and development. Genomics will assist Vacino Biotech in venturing into nucleic acid new drugs for Alzheimer's disease. Nucleic acid drugs are considered one of the mainstreams in the development of next-generation drugs. This collaboration not only marks a new chapter in Taiwan's nucleic acid industry's autonomy but also provides an opportunity for Taiwan to contribute to the development of new drugs for treating Alzheimer's disease.


Genomics Teams Up with NTU Biotech Center to Establish a Forward-Looking Technology Industry-Academia Collaboration and Education Platform for Win-Win Cooperation

Genomics Bioscience & Technology Co. Ltd., a leading domestic company in genetic sequencing (referred to as “Genomics”, stock code: 4195), signed a “Memorandum of Understanding for Forward-Looking Technology Industry-Academia Collaboration and Education Platform” with NTU Biotechnology Center (referred to as “NTU Biotech Center”) today (14th). Both parties will jointly establish a core laboratory and create a forward-looking biotechnology practical field within the NTU campus. They will also organize a series of applied courses, allowing students to embrace the latest biotechnology techniques, align with industry development trends, and foster outstanding local biotechnology talents through industry-academia collaboration. This initiative aims to strengthen Taiwan's innovative research and development capabilities in biotechnology, enhancing the competitiveness and status of Taiwan's biotechnology industry in the international market.




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