

November PacBio Seminar

台灣 PacBio 巡迴演講來囉!基龍米克斯特別邀請 PacBio 亞太區市場總監 錢祖衛博士來台演講!想了解 Sequel II 產出的高準確度 HiFi reads 可以做什麼應用嗎?不要錯過這三場研討會喔!


基龍米克斯特別邀請 PacBio 亞太區市場總監 錢祖衛博士來台演講!想了解Sequel II 產出的高準確度 HiFi reads 可以做什麼應用嗎?不要錯過這三場研討會喔!另有 Webinar,告訴你在基因編輯之後:CRISPR/Cas9 如何實現基因體的困難區域定序


講題:SMRT Sequencing for Microbial Genomes and Metagenomics


時間:11/19 (二) 10:00 – 12:00


What you will learn:

HiFi reads on Sequel II combine high accuracy and long reads for most microbiome applications

Metagenomic sequencing using full length 16S rRNA genes


PacBio’s SMRT sequencing technology has set the standard for fully characterizing complete microbial genomes and populations affordably. The Sequel II system has made microbial genome sequencing to a much more economical scale because of its high throughput feature. Aside from characterizing single microbial genomes the research field is increasingly leveraging the unique advantages of PacBio long read technology to characterize microbial communities because it allows for a much deeper understanding of the microbial population that was not attainable previously by NGS technology.

Introduction of highly accurate long reads (HiFi reads) has enabled a new, higher throughput, assembly-optional data type uniquely suited to metagenome characterization. HiFi reads combine high accuracy with read lengths up to 20 kb, eliminating the need for assembly for most microbiome applications, including 16S full length sequencing, gene discovery and metabolic pathway reconstruction. The median read lengths and accuracy of HiFi reads extends beyond the assembly quality metrics afforded by prior technology, enabling more efficient and economical recovery of intact genes and operons while omitting the laborious and resource intensive assembly step. In addition, no data is discarded because it cannot be assembled: every HiFi read yields 5-8 predicted genes. Finally, the high accuracy of HiFi data makes it compatible with standard gene prediction tools developed for data enabled by prior technology.


講題:Full-Length RNA transcript characterization and complex microbial genome sequencing enabled by HiFi reads on Sequel II system

地點:國立臺灣大學生科館三樓 332演講廳

時間:11/20 (三) 10:00 – 12:00


What you will learn:

HiFi reads on Sequel II combine high accuracy and long reads for most microbiome applications

Metagenomic sequencing using full length 16S rRNA genes

Iso-Seq characterize full-length transcripts without assembly


Recent improvements in sequencing chemistry and instrument performance combine to create a new PacBio data type of highly accurate (HiFi), long reads (average read lengths of 10-20 k) with greater than 99% single molecule accuracy. The resulting reads have the accuracy comparable to prior NGS technology but with 50-100 times longer read length.

Highly accurate long reads have also started to push the frontiers of RNA transcriptome characterization that is unfathomable with prior sequencing technology. The Iso-Seq method can characterize full-length transcripts without the need for computational transcript assembly and is fully supported bioinformatically through PacBio’s SMRT Link software that outputs high-quality, full-length transcript sequences. Furthermore, the single molecule nature of the Iso-Seq method enables detection of allelic specific isoform expression.

Lastly the tremendous utility of HiFi reads to dissect complex metagenome communities has the potential to bring unparalleled precision and resolution in defining the micro-organisms at species and subspecies level. In this part of the talk I will highlight ongoing progress in both community diversity profiling as well as functional profiling afforded by the enormous throughput of recently launched Sequel II system.


講題:Enabling Full-Length RNA transcript characterization and complex microbial genome sequencing with highly accurately long reads


時間:11/20 (三) 15:00 – 17:00


What you will learn:

HiFi reads on Sequel II combine high accuracy and long reads for most microbiome applications

Metagenomic sequencing using full length 16S rRNA genes

Iso-Seq characterize full-length transcripts without assembly


Having established itself as the gold standard for microbial genome sequencing PacBio is proud to release the Sequel II system making microbial genome sequencing even to a much more economical scale because of its high throughput capacity. Aside from characterizing single microbial genomes the research field is increasingly leveraging the unique advantages of PacBio long read technology to characterize microbial communities because it allows for a much deeper understanding of the microbial population that was not attainable previously by NGS technology. Introduction of highly accurate long reads (HiFi reads) has enabled a new, higher throughput, assembly-optional data type uniquely suited to metagenome characterization. HiFi reads combine high accuracy with read lengths up to 20 kb, eliminating the need for assembly for most microbiome applications, including 16S full length sequencing, gene discovery and metabolic pathway reconstruction

Highly accurate long reads have also started to push the frontiers of RNA transcriptome characterization that is unfathomable with prior sequencing technology. The Iso-Seq method can characterize full-length transcripts without the need for computational transcript assembly and is fully supported bioinformatically through PacBio’s SMRT Link software that outputs high-quality, full-length transcript sequences. Furthermore, the single molecule nature of the Iso-Seq method enables detection of allelic specific isoform expression.


講題:Beyond Gene Editing: How CRISPR/Cas9 Enables Sequencing of Difficult Regions of the Genome


時間:11/22 (五) 11:00 – 12:00

主辦單位: The PacBio Asia Pacific Team




使用 PacBio No-Amp Target Sequencing 應用,現在可以觸及曾經被認為無法定序的基因體區域。這種方法將 CRISPR/Cas9 與單分子即時定序 (SMRT Sequencing) 相結合,無需 PCR 擴增即可富集指定區域,並產生具有鹼基解析度 (base-level resolution) 的完整序列訊息。在這次網路研討會中,Dr. Jenny Ekholm 和 Dr. Paul Kotturi 將概述此應用及其在難以擴增的基因中的用途。



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